Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Catching On!

I think I am really starting to get this! Doesn't Livi look so sweet? These digi goodies are from Jen Wilson's Pink Lemonade Collection. Love it! As you can see, I am becoming more adventurous. Totally trial by fire, ya know? I am just trying things out and deleting when it doesn't work. There are so many tools that I have no idea how to use. Of course, the Photoshop manual is not at all helpful - anyone know of a fabulous site that might teach me what I need to know??

Hey, hey - don't forget that I can make your pictures look this amazing too! If you are looking to put your pictures into an album but don't have the time or energy let me know. There are all sorts of album options and lots of ways that you can send me your pictures. Let me know and comment below . . .


Anonymous said...

Good job! I am sure the Martha contest is in the bag. Just remember our deal when you win.

deb said...

Great layout! And look at those pretty blonde curls.