Friday, March 27, 2009

Kiddo Update . . .

Olivia and Aidan have been up to all sorts of things this week. Driving me crazy is just one of them! So here is the update . . .

Olivia has written a song. I think it is called "Fly Away" and it is definitely about a boy. She wrote it at about 2 am one night last week. The girl is already honing her rock n roll behavior! Up all night, sleep all day!! School is going well. A bit of stress over her art class. She made one of her first big academic mistakes by turning in an art assignment almost three weeks late. So, now she is paying the price and might have only a B in art. This seems a pretty harsh drop in grade to me, but there doesn't seem to be much I can do at this point. So, she is sweatin' her report card a little bit. Otherwise, she is really working hard. She is especially enjoying her Battle of the Books club. They meet on Friday mornings before school and discuss the books they are reading. She has read SO many books this school year. I love that! Girl Scouts is winding down. Cookie sales are over. Looks like she sold almost 575 boxes. Yay! She is working on her Bronze Award. Her plan is to make cookies and bring them to senior homes an children in special care. She is so kind hearted. Next week for Spring Break, we are going to take her to Carter Caves and maybe one more outing. Possibly a haunted place just she and I!! Can't wait . . .

Aidan is officially four! He enjoyed his birthday very much. Opened a few presents, ate a HUGE cupcake and played outside. It was fun. He also got a birthday haircut on Tuesday. He looks so handsome! School pictures were Weds. He was so excited to get his picture taken. Do we have a model or a ham in the making?! He smiled sweetly and posed eagerly. So cute. He is really into the letters they have been studying at preschool. He comes home ever day and talks endlessly about the letter and how to write it. He wants to know what words start with the letter, it's great. I love to see him so excited to learn. Yesterday was rough. He had his four year old check up. And, while he is totally healthy - he had to get three shots, a TB test, and a blood test. There were soooo many tears! It was awful!! Today though, he is much better and looking forward to his birthday party tomorrow at Chuck E. Cheese. He has spied the wrapped presents in the kitchen nook and stares at them wishing he could see through the paper!

(the picture is from rehearsal for "Bad Dates." The show uses lots of shoes and the kids were having fun trying them on!!)

So, that's the update on the little darlings. Love them bunches!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So, I discovered this new thing - well, it's new to me. - it's a social networking site that is done thru the use of pictures and comments. You take a picture of yourself everyday and leave a comment as to what your day is like. I think it's based out of Britain - I say this, cuz the dude in the tour video is British! It's kinda a neat idea.

This is my picture, taken today just before my students started to come in. It's raining here so I am having a bad hair day. And, it doesn't help that I cut my hair myself last night, over conditioned it and NOW, it is sitting like a limp noodle on my head. AND, I think my nose looks really wide. AND I have on makeup but the light in here is crap so you can't really tell. I think I probably look better in person!

Friday, March 20, 2009

First Day of Spring!!

There's no denying it now, Spring is just around the corner. Thank goodness.

We have put up a teepee in the backyard (for Aidan's birthday), the front yard is raked and ready to grow and get green, and we are all ready to open up the house for some fresh air!

This Spring I have some big plans. I really want to organize some of our "not used all the time" stuff that we haven't had a chance to deal with since we moved in last August. I need to get back to scrapbooking, too. I really miss it!

Of course we will do something over Spring Break. Maybe go to the zoo or plant some flowers in the front garden in the yard? Ambitious for me, I know!

Looking forward to it all - here's to Spring!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Stop Motion Animation

So, I have decided to teach my 7th graders about stop motion animation. I know next to nothing about the subject but thought it might be fun to learn with the kids. One of them showed me this cool video so I thought I would share it. Just copy and paste the link below to check it out:

It is so amazing and I am hoping we can create some videos that are similar, at least a little anyway! The students are going to have to include inanimate objects in their stories. I can't wait to see how they incorporate them and use themselves too.

Fun, fun, fun!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Back at it!

So I have made a vow to myself that I will try to post at least three times a week. This will mean that some posts will be interesting and wonderful, and some will be - well, not so much!

Soooo much has been going on lately. I just finished directing "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown," acting in "Rabbit Hole," and teaching the third term of the school year. Charlie Brown was wonderful; great cast, great audience, great design elements - see the pic. Rabbit Hole was also a wonderful experience. I LOVED my cast, they were talented and amazing the work with. I miss playing Becca. What a great role to play. School has been going well. So much of what I have been up to has been tied to the high school show. Busy, busy.

I have been tinkering with back up vocals in a band these last few months. It has been really fun and educational. I have learned so much about harmonizing, listening to the instruments, and communicating with musicians. Haven't done those things in a loooong time, if ever! Our first gig is April 11th and I can't WAIT!!

Livi and Aidan are doing great. Olivia is still playing the guitar. Everything from her own original stuff to Nirvana to Taylor Swift to Jimmy Buffet!! She just finished up a great season of UpWard basketball. See the video below:

Aidan is going to be 4 this Saturday, 4 years old!!! He is wild and sweet as ever. LOVE that kid!

Rick is busy keeping the theatre going. That is an ALL the time job! I hope the poor guy doesn't have a stroke before summer.

So, yeah - that's us. The quick version anyway!