Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Aidan and Blind Grace

At dinner the other night, Aidan asked us all to hold hands. He then proceeded to cover his eyes with his free hand (I couldn't reach him to hold his hand) and say, "God is great, God is gibber gibber gibberish" in a sort of rhythmic, rhyming way. He was saying grace!! It was sooooo cute and funny. Oh and, please excuse the dinner plates and somewhat messy background as you watch him say grace in the video. There is an angelic side to my boy in there somewhere!

BTW, turn off the player at the bottom of my blog and you can hear Aidan a lot better! Just click stop and the song should pause or stop.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Got a new layout done, woo hoo! It's really been a looonngg while since I have been able to sit down and complete a layout. I have started a few, but not finished any - until now.

This layout is for Aidan's preschool book. And when I say preschool, I mean HIS preschool - like, the place. They have a book of all their students and they ask each family to make a page for the book. It's really cute to see all the families and all the kids doing their family and kid thing in the book. Aidan has really enjoyed looking through it when it is our turn to bring it home.

So, hope you like the layout. I think it is fun and creative without being too over the top. I didn't want to go too crazy with it since it is in a book that little fingers and hands use a lot. Just keepin' it real . . .

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Skype is da bomb!!

My sister and I have gotten on the Oprah promoted bandwagon - we are skypers! And, we are loving it. Most of the time the picture is very clear and only a few time have there been glitches. And those haven't even been that big of a deal. An occasional connection lost, or pixely connection but otherwise really easy.

I am loving getting to see Abbie and my sister of course. Sometimes I even get to see the brother in law in the background heading to the grill outside or doing other manly things! Of course, my sister gets to see us too and, the kids which is the most fun.

Olivia and Aidan think it is the coolest thing ever! They both are so excited when we are waiting for a skype call. Olivia loves to tell Aunt Kate about her day and she especially likes to show her things - her webkinz, outfits, modeling poses, you name it!

Kate and I have shown each other the latest addition to our homes (rugs, shelves, etc!), new haircuts, etc. It is so nice to be so connected!

Abbie has gotten so big and has changed so much, as she should obviously! I can't wait until she talks to me on skype!