Monday, March 31, 2008

Okay, so this is sick and twisted but how can you resist?!

I asked Olivia to put her Webkinz away tonight. She had all 27 of them on the couch watching Jon and Kate plus 8. Livi and I love to watch that show together. I guess she wanted to share the love with her pals. I informed her that on the next commercial, she would have to take her little buddies upstairs. And that, my friends, is where big buns was born!

Livi decided to stuff her Webkinz down her p.j.'s so she could carry more of them at once. Great brain, huh? She thinks of the darndest things.

Of course, I raced for the camera to document the arrival of big buns!! And, here are the fabulous shots . . .

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Wanna Vote?! VoteHow many of you went green for Earth Hour?
Yes, I love the earth!
No, I couldn't live without the t.v. for even one minute!

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What we did today, Saturday, the extension of Aidan's Birthday

Much like our plans for Aidan's actual birthday went defunct, so did our after party a week later. Oh the plans I had! We were supposed to go to New Haven, KY. Aidan is crazy for trains and there is a great train museum there. It is an hour and a half away though. So, this morning (the morning of the grand event!) we changed our plans. Instead, we went to Louisville to check out the zoo. We went to the Cincy zoo last summer and really enjoyed it. Of course, in talking to folks to we got a lot of opinions about the two zoos. We decided to find out for ourselves. :)

As we left Lexington it was a little chilly, but we thought we could handle it. We layered on our clothes, brought a little blankie and some snacks.

On a side note, I gave my new "Baggallini" a trial run. I ordered it for our summer trip to Disney World per the disboards recommendations. I LOVED it! It is the perfect size and shape for hauling all the crap you will ever need on an outing. And, the strap sits perfectly across my, well - you know . . .

Okay, so we were ready to rock n roll! The sun came out on our way, were the zoo gods smiling upon us?? It seems they were! It was a nice time, not so chilly that we couldn't manage and we actually had fun. The orangutans were curious and friendly, the reptiles were really different than any we had seen before, the big animals were out and sunning themselves and - we got to see the baby elephant!!

There were some animals that we didn't get to see: sumatran tigers, sea lions, regular tigers and hippos. We were not amused.

The kids had to sit on every single sculpture of an animal. I think Aidan thought he was riding the real thing or something! Don't they look sweet together? They also sat on an elephant and a buffalo. I didn't get pictures of that though - see below!

Oh, the only real bummer, my STUPID camera kept shutting off. Turns out, it was the batteries - Duh! Of course I didn't bring any extra batteries, so every picture was a gift. I was hoping and praying and wishing that every time I pulled out the camera, it would work. I ended up with a few cool shots.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Two for One!

What a BUSY weekend! We had a birthday and Easter all in one. I have A LOT of pictures to show you so, are you ready?! Here goes -

Before . . .

After . . .

In between . . .

Looks like fun, huh? It was, except that Aidan had strep throat. Sick on your birthday, what a bummer. Poor little guy did his best to have fun, but after a while his sissy had to open his presents. He just didn't have the energy! Our sweet baby didn't even want to eat his favorite meal - pizza - or his cake. Oh well, he still has his train ride to look forward to this weekend!

Now, on to Easter. We only made it through the Easter Bunny visit and an indoor egg hunt before Aidan fell out. You'll see the huge bags under his eyes in the pics.

Gifts from the most wonderful relatives!

From the Bunny . . .

Ooo, Aaah!

My chocolate!

Ssh, I'm hunting eggs . . .

So, there you have it. That was our fun filled weekend! Now we are just waiting for Aidan to get well . . .

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Oops, I forgot!

I forgot to post these pictures of the "Great Blizzard of '08" - do you hear my news reporter voice?! We got quite a bit of snow and it was pandemonium around here, very funny. Olivia had so much fun though. Snow days and playing outside (without any snow gear BTW!). Here are some fun pics of the snow . . .

Sunday, March 16, 2008

What Happened to My Baby?

3! He is going to be 3 years old on Friday!?! What is this craziness . . . I guess it had to happen. I need to just deal with it, right? Of course, I completely remember the day he came to me. This little package, a tiny present of wonderfulness. He had such personality from day one. He seems to always know what he wants and how he wants it.

He will be movin' on up this weekend. Yup, switching to the big boy bed. Olivia moved to a big girl bed when she turned three, so we are going to see if Aidan will like it. Right now, he is all for it - but, we are going to leave his sweet little crib in his room just in case. We are also going to put a rail on his bed, so the tiny sucker won't fall out of his bed and bonk his head!

Friday is party day! He will have mini ice cream sandwiches at daycare and a mini Thomas the Tank Engine party at home in the evening. We will serve his majesty's favorite meal - pizza, and of course cake and ice cream is on the menu. He is so excited! And so am I!!

Will post pictures of the festivities this weekend . . .