Wednesday, October 3, 2007

"The Lady Doth . . .

protest too much, methinks." Yes, this is from HAMLET. It is a very famous line that the Queen speaks during Hamlet's play. I am trying to learn my lines by tomorrow and I am really trying not too protest too much!! I am so tired right now - this is where I launch into my pity party, ready? My son has been sick the last few days and so that means I don't sleep well. I guess in the back of my brain, I am thinking about how he isn't feeling well and is he sleeping okay and can he breathe and . . . worry, worry, worry! I am also putting together a short performance for my Upper School Drama students this month. It isn't that it is terribly stressful, I am just always worried (there's that word again!) that the students won't participate and that it will be a total waste of everyone's time. Then couple that with work, both at home and at school - I am just about worn out. Oh, and I didn't mention rehearsal!! We have been rehearsing about 4 or 5 days a week. And, don't get me wrong, I LOVE it - but it's just one more commitment that I have made and need to be sure I follow through with. Whew! I think the pity party is over, I feel better now.

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