Monday, October 15, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

So, yesterday was my birthday. It was a fine day but it wasn't really full of celebration. Mostly because I had rehearsal from noon to 10pm!! I knew there was no getting around it and so I just tried to stay positive. I thought of my new printer, the pillows and throw my mom had sent me earlier in the week, and the BEAUTIFUL roses my sweet hubby and children gave me. And, I was happily met with many Happy Birthday wishes from my fellow cast members - it was very sweet. To top it all off, my husband surprised me with a gorgeous cake. The icing work on it was very intricate, and the flavor was delicious! I didn't take a picture of it to share - sorry! Anyway, I am getting closer to 40 and this morning, I think I am feeling it. I am really tired and just want to sleep all day. Unfortunately, I won't get my wish. Oh well, suck it up girl and move on.

1 comment:

Lazymom said...

All you want for your birthday is to sleep all day? Geesh, your asking for the moon.

Happy belated bday.

We arent going to be able to go tomorrow.....the hubby has a rehearsal and i ahve yoga at 10:45.
I would just take the wolverine, but honestly i dont think i can do it by myself. Im getting THAT pregnant.

We need to find some time though to get togehter.