Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Not a Baby, Mommy!

Oh, it's happened! My little boy looked up at his Daddy this morning and said "I not a baby, I a big boy, Daddy." I missed the moment but it's probably a good thing. I am sure I would've burst into tears!! Why, why does he have to come to this realization? I was so enjoying asking him who was Mommy's baby and him joyfully pointing to himself and saying "Aidan is the baby!" Thankfully, as soon as he informed me that he is a big boy now, he asked for his binky and snuggled into my arms. There is a little baby in there yet!!


Anonymous said...

Yikes! He'll be driving by Christmas :( Please tell Aidan that Aunt Kate needs him to still be a baby when he gets to my house in December. . .at least for the first day!


Anonymous said...

He's gotta' be 'he'. Cut the apron strings and get out of his way! Gramps is looking for a toy grenade launcher for him for Christmas and he needs to be ready for it. Or . . . maybe . . . a Ken doll??

Anonymous said...

Aw, what a sweetheart!