Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Brunch Fun, or Was It?!

No really, we had fun until the little mister had a meltdown. Oh, umm . . . back track - what am I talking about, right? We went to a friends house on Sunday for brunch. It was actually an "Olympic" Brunch. The idea was that everyone would play games a la the Olympics. Except that we played hill billy golf and corn hole! We were excited to be invited and brought Danish and, regrettably, a tired little boy.

When we arrived, Aidan immediately saw the mini moon bounce in the backyard and he ran to it like it was his long lost mother. He was thrilled, claimed it as his own and wouldn't let anyone else in it from time to time! Olivia was happy because she had her friend to play with. All was well - for now. We chose teams and the games began. Rick and I made it through our rounds of hill billy golf without a peep from Aidan. We visited with the other guests and got to know some new folks, again without any problems from Aidan.

As it got closer to 1pm, we started to see the signs - red, puffy eyes, bad attitude and sluggish movement. We knew we were about to hit a wall but, we hadn't eaten yet!! Sure enough, the minute brunch was announced, Aidan started screaming and yelling. It was fun. Not at all embarrassing!! So, alas, we didn't eat. We dragged him to the car and straight home for a nap. Enjoy the pictures - pre melt down!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes/most of the time TIRED wins. When you need a better give in to it. It works out to be best for all.

Good that you enjoyed what you could. Too bad you missed the food!

Rick St. Peter said...

I wanted to send the little shit to boot camp!! I was freakin' hungry!!!

Hungry Daddy

Anonymous said...

Oh yes...the nap always wins.

I love it when they try to outrun the nap.....its like watching someone in an asylum.
