Sunday, March 16, 2008

What Happened to My Baby?

3! He is going to be 3 years old on Friday!?! What is this craziness . . . I guess it had to happen. I need to just deal with it, right? Of course, I completely remember the day he came to me. This little package, a tiny present of wonderfulness. He had such personality from day one. He seems to always know what he wants and how he wants it.

He will be movin' on up this weekend. Yup, switching to the big boy bed. Olivia moved to a big girl bed when she turned three, so we are going to see if Aidan will like it. Right now, he is all for it - but, we are going to leave his sweet little crib in his room just in case. We are also going to put a rail on his bed, so the tiny sucker won't fall out of his bed and bonk his head!

Friday is party day! He will have mini ice cream sandwiches at daycare and a mini Thomas the Tank Engine party at home in the evening. We will serve his majesty's favorite meal - pizza, and of course cake and ice cream is on the menu. He is so excited! And so am I!!

Will post pictures of the festivities this weekend . . .


Anonymous said...

They do grow up fast. It has been great having that grandson for the past 3 years. Look forward to many more years of enjoying him. You both should be proud of him. Now I have a 3 year old grandson to be proud of and a 8 year old granddaughter to be proud of. Isn't life great???? Grandpa Saint

Lazymom said...

We may have some Thomas decor to bring if i can find it. Just for fun to add to the mayhem.

3 is great....and 3 is awful. Sometimes im findign it easier just to laugh at the things i want to scream in point this very moment The wolverine is in the living room pouring out a box of macaroni and cheese on the floor....serves me right for allowing him to play with it unsupervised....ha!

Anonymous said...

Sweet boy...3 year old boy; he is always Mr. Wonderful to me! Have a fun, fun, fun birthday party, wish I could be there to celebrate with you all. Know that I am there is spirit.
Happy Birthday Aidan, I love you sweet boy!

Anonymous said...

I'm frankly surprised he lived to be three...btw, he's still a baby with all that "I want my mommy..." crappy whining!!
