Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Pirates and More Pirates

As you may know I am a drama teacher for middle and high school students. This year at the middle school, I am directing "Pirates of Penzance, Jr." Do you remember that movie from the early 80s? Kevin Kline, Linda Ronstadt and Angela Lansbury rocked Gilbert & Sullivan's music and lyrics. It was a very over the top movie. Well, obviously it stayed with me all these years because when it came time to choose the musical for this year - that's what popped into my head!

I am also helping out with costumes and the set and probably some other things along the way (that is the director's lot in school life!). Our process has begun and I have got some really cool "Pirates of the Caribbean" looking costumes on the rack. Honestly, costuming is my secret passion. I don't sew particularly well but I love to put already made pieces together and accesorize the hell out of the over all look! So, picture worn vests, colorful blousy shirts, belts with huge buckles and lots of crazy head scarves, sashes and tricorn hats. So much fun!!

I wish I had the time to try my hand at sewing but it's just not in the cards. I mean, I can handle some basic sewing elements and I can even figure out a pattern, sort of. It's just when you get up close and personal to the garment that the flaws can be seen. I guess for a piece that will be on a stage 30 feet from the front row, it's not so bad.

Once I get some photos of the costumes, I will share them with you all! Meanwhile, it's back to Goodwill for more blousy shirts and belt buckles! Arrggghh . . .

1 comment:

Lazymom said...

Please have at least one pirate in a "peg leg" just have to.