Thursday, September 6, 2007

A Keep on Rockin' Me Baby!

Our little budding Rock Star started guitar lessons today! She was great in her lesson. So attentive and eager to learn. Her teacher was SO nice and did a great job making her feel like she could do it.

Livi has been wanting to take lessons for about 6 to 8 months now. She was so persistent, I figured she was really serious about it. So, I made the call and we got started!

She has already announced that she will practice 30 hours a day and when she becomes famous, she will give the guy who sold us her picks (sp? I don't know how to spell the lingo!!) an autograph. So adorable. Oh my gosh, SO adorable. I love this little girl.

Rock on, Liv!!


Anonymous said...

Does Livi have a power stance? I understand that is a requirement for true rock stardom?!

All the best to you Livi girl...
I am proud of you for learning something new. Good job, Honey.

Love you all the way to the moon and back, a million-billion-zillion times + 8

Anonymous said...

Already lookin' like a true rocker. . .I'm getting a Sheryl Crow vibe, from the photo!

Good for you Olivia for being brave enough to take on a musical instrument. It's a tough task, but I know you can do it!! Uncle Matt and I will be looking forward to hearing you play, at our house, at Christmas time :) WE LOVE YOU!!

Anonymous said...

I can say 'I knew her when . . . ' IF she still remembers her old friends and family. She should be about ready in plenty of time for High School Musical 10!

Gramps Brier

Lazymom said...

cool...her on guitar, the wolverine on drums....Aidan can pick up the bass...and we have a band baby!!!!