Saturday, September 22, 2007


What a great town! This is my third trip to the Windy City and I have truly loved it everytime. I am lucky enough to go on the 8th grade trip to Chicago every year. The students and chaperones hit the ground running the minute we got there - lunch at the Museum of Science and Industry, the IMAX movie at the museum and, of course, time to explore the museum. Then, it's off to check into the hotel and back out to Navy Pier for dinner. After dinner, we hit the Chicago Theatre Downstairs for a really funny performance of "Shear Madness." On the second day, we just don't stop! Early arrival at the Rainforest Cafe for a really delicious breakfast (the BEST meal of the whole trip!) and then we hit the Field Museum, the Aquarium/Oceanarium, the Art Institute and, whew! - a break for a meal. It really was fun and I enjoyed the Field Museum and Art Institute very much. On the second evening we saw "The Blue Man Group." Lots of loud music, performance art and toilet paper! We left Chicago with a Hard Rock Cafe breakfast. 6 hours later, and we were back in Lexington, KY.

I wish I had some other fantastic story to tell, but it was pleasantly uneventful. The students were well behaved and fun loving. The chaperones were wonderful company, and I enjoyed getting to know my colleagues a little better.

So, until next September - thanks Chicago!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Hannah Montana Madness!

Whew! What an almost nightmare. Hannah Montana tickets went on sale this morning at 10am. My friend, Molly and I left my house at 9am to go get in line at Kroger's ticketmaster. We tried to choose a Kroger that we thought would be reasonably crowded, rather than the mad house that might be at other Kroger locations. We walk in and find out we are 14th in line. Not too bad, right? I am optimistic! I have my husband primed and ready on the computer at home and he is to call me with updates. 10am finally arrives and the line SLOWLY starts to move. By approx 10:10 there were only groups of three tickets left (the limit was 4), by 10:15 it was down to two tickets per person and by 10:17 singles only!! Only 5 people had gotten through our line at this point!!!! By 10:20 it was all over - SOLD OUT! I couldn't believe it. How was I going to go home without these tickets?? I was sick to my stomach. I kept thinking about all the disappointed little girls in Lexington. The 500 people that were in line at Rupp Arena - WHO BOUGHT THE TICKETS? Seriously, if we weren't gettin em, who the hell was? Mind blowing, big time mind blowing. Still, off I went to break the news to my baby. Get home, and the waterworks begin. It was AWFUL.

Sooooo, later that day . . .

The tears have stopped and we are still mad, still disappointed but trying to move on. We get a phone call from my friend Molly. Turns out she has a friend who has more tickets than she needs and did I want in? YE-AH!!!

I don't know what kind if luck has been sent our way, but oh boy, are we grateful!

So, there you are. We are going to the concert. Thank goodness.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Pirates and More Pirates

As you may know I am a drama teacher for middle and high school students. This year at the middle school, I am directing "Pirates of Penzance, Jr." Do you remember that movie from the early 80s? Kevin Kline, Linda Ronstadt and Angela Lansbury rocked Gilbert & Sullivan's music and lyrics. It was a very over the top movie. Well, obviously it stayed with me all these years because when it came time to choose the musical for this year - that's what popped into my head!

I am also helping out with costumes and the set and probably some other things along the way (that is the director's lot in school life!). Our process has begun and I have got some really cool "Pirates of the Caribbean" looking costumes on the rack. Honestly, costuming is my secret passion. I don't sew particularly well but I love to put already made pieces together and accesorize the hell out of the over all look! So, picture worn vests, colorful blousy shirts, belts with huge buckles and lots of crazy head scarves, sashes and tricorn hats. So much fun!!

I wish I had the time to try my hand at sewing but it's just not in the cards. I mean, I can handle some basic sewing elements and I can even figure out a pattern, sort of. It's just when you get up close and personal to the garment that the flaws can be seen. I guess for a piece that will be on a stage 30 feet from the front row, it's not so bad.

Once I get some photos of the costumes, I will share them with you all! Meanwhile, it's back to Goodwill for more blousy shirts and belt buckles! Arrggghh . . .

Thursday, September 6, 2007

A Keep on Rockin' Me Baby!

Our little budding Rock Star started guitar lessons today! She was great in her lesson. So attentive and eager to learn. Her teacher was SO nice and did a great job making her feel like she could do it.

Livi has been wanting to take lessons for about 6 to 8 months now. She was so persistent, I figured she was really serious about it. So, I made the call and we got started!

She has already announced that she will practice 30 hours a day and when she becomes famous, she will give the guy who sold us her picks (sp? I don't know how to spell the lingo!!) an autograph. So adorable. Oh my gosh, SO adorable. I love this little girl.

Rock on, Liv!!