Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Aidan and Blind Grace

At dinner the other night, Aidan asked us all to hold hands. He then proceeded to cover his eyes with his free hand (I couldn't reach him to hold his hand) and say, "God is great, God is gibber gibber gibberish" in a sort of rhythmic, rhyming way. He was saying grace!! It was sooooo cute and funny. Oh and, please excuse the dinner plates and somewhat messy background as you watch him say grace in the video. There is an angelic side to my boy in there somewhere!

BTW, turn off the player at the bottom of my blog and you can hear Aidan a lot better! Just click stop and the song should pause or stop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Godly men know they are not worthy to look upon the face of God. Aidan must have an understanding that only the innocent can know.
He is a precious little boy...in everyones sight.

Love and Hugs,