Thursday, June 26, 2008

Livi Turned Nine!

That's it! No more growing up at this house. Olivia is getting much too tall and Aidan looks like such a little boy. What happened to my babies?! Truthfully, I want them to grow. I do. Really! I do love to see them make discoveries, have experiences, make decisions, all that good stuff. I just don't look forward to the day when they don't want to snuggle with me anymore. Or, when they choose their friends over family time. You know, all the stuff I did to my mom!! But enough of my sob story - how was Olivia's party, I know you want to hear all about it . . .

We woke up to rain, so we quickly shifted gears from a swimming/sleepover party to a regular sleepover party. Liv was disappointed but was a good sport about it. All the girls arrived on time and began to play. Thank goodness they know how to entertain themselves!

Soon, we were in full party mode: playing Twister Dance, eating cookie cake, opening presents and the most important part of all - watching the Jonas Brothers movie, "Camp Rock!"

By 1am, all little voices had quieted and soon the girls were sound asleep. No middle of the night phone calls to mom, no "I wanna go home," the night went off without a hitch.

8am rolled around and everyone but Livi was awake! I got up and made them chocolate chip pancakes - that woke Olivia up - and had them out the door by 10am.

It was a lot of fun, another one for the books!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking for Mimi and myself, we are very happy Olivia has been here for these past 9 years. She has brought us much happiness and joy and it will continue forever. We love her and are glad she had a great 9th birthday. See you all at Disneyworld. Love, Saint and Mimi