Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Turkey Day and Travelling

We have decided to go home for Thanksgiving. This after I had already bought the food for the event and moved the turkey to the refrigerator for defrosting two days ago! Oh well, we will pack the food and the bird in the car and hope it makes it to the big VA. I have to admit that I am looking forward to seeing my mom and to having some down time. I just hope the road trip isn't too taxing. Two children and 10 to 12 hours in a car just don't mix well! Both of them are thrilled of course to be going to Grandy's house. Aidan has been talking about it none stop since he woke up this morning and Olivia, has been weepy with happiness. Silly kids! Gotta love 'em.

Rick is happy to be going home because his best friend is having a party for all his old high school buddies. Apparently, there will be people flying in for this event oh, and no wives allowed!!! Hmmmm. Maybe us girls will have to have a party of our own.

So, hope your turkey day is plentiful and full of "thanks." I know ours will be as we spend it with family and friends that we don't get to see nearly enough. Gobble, gobble!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Project Runway Season Premiere

I can't WAIT for Project Runway tonight! I have loved this show from the beginning and have been waiting for months for it to come back. From Jay to Chloe to Jeffrey, I have seen them all.

My favorite season was season 2. What colorful characters! Santino was my favorite. I know, he was a bit of a wild card, kind of a nut, definitely a cocky S.O.B. But, I couldn't get enough of his antics! In fact I found a very funny montage in his honor on youtube. I tried to link it but blogger is being difficult! So, just go to youtube.com and type in "Santino the Musical." You should go check it out, it is VERY good! I wonder if the new cast will be able to keep me wowed with their creations and entertained with their personalities?? Oh, and will Heidi be preggers on the show AGAIN?

Wingardium Leviosa!

Olivia was so excited to be Hermione today! It is Book Week at Cassidy this week and today was "Dress Up as Your Favorite Book Character" day. At first Olivia wanted to be Julie, the latest American Girl doll/character. Problem was, we didn't have any 70s looking clothing for Livi to wear. So, she decided to be Hermione. Which really fits her a little better given the fact that she LOVES Harry Potter right now. She is on book three and gives me a regular update on how many pages she has read.

The cape is from my costume closet at school. Thank goodness I am a Drama teacher and have costumes at my disposal! We printed the patch offline and I made the tie. I know, it's a little weird looking but I don't do ties. You should have seen us skulking around in the dark last night, searching for the perfect twig for a wand. Oh, the things we do for the most fabulous costume.

So, here she is as Hermione, messy hair and all!

Good News! As of this afternoon, Olivia is the second place winner for Best Book Character in her 3rd grade class - that's 97 students! Woo Hoo!! Her prize is to have a lunch date with one of the guest author's for Book Week.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Take Me Back, iTunes!

So Rick and Olivia stopped by my work this afternoon. What a nice surprise! They happened to catch me just opening my itunes acct on my MAC and so we took a little jaunt down memory lane. It was so fun to listen to everything from the Beastie Boys to songs that I knew Rick didn't like, but I wanted to see his reaction when they came on. Like, Horse with No Name or Shiny Happy People! Songs that I love, but he likes to roll his eyes at when they come on. Poo on you, mister Rick! So, I had opened my itunes to buy Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now," a song I have always loved but have especially grown fond of as it is in a hi-larious part of the movie "Shaun of the Dead." Anyway, it's bought and I have listened to it and chuckled while seeing the pub scene from the movie play in my head.

For those of you that don't know what I am talking about - you really MUST see "Shaun of the Dead," it is - as the Brits say - brilliant!!