Friday, June 12, 2009

Summer Time!!

Well, it's June now - I can't believe it, but it is. School is out and summer has begun. Our plates have been incredibly full, as usual! So lemme break it down for ya -

1. Livi was amazing in the talent show and her chorus concert!
2. Aidan has started Pre-K1.
3. Rick has begun the process of moving his offices to a new, hip location downtown.
4. I presented some really cool student made movies to the student body at Sayre and they <3 it.
5. We have already traveled to Texas and back again (amazing trip to see the family!).
6. Had a gig last night at Cheapside Park. Played to loads of people and had a BLAST!
7. Still waiting for Livi's report card but feel certain it will be outstanding.
8. I am officially on summer vacation and loving it!
9. Olivia got her EARS PIERCED!!
10. Aidan is finally outta diapers - woot!!

Of course, that is the quickie version of the last few weeks but that's all I can muster as I am standing over a skillet of bacon right now!!!

More to come . . .

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