Monday, February 4, 2008

Heritage: Scotland

Olivia has been working so hard on her Heritage project. It was due last week; both the verbal presentation and her scripted research. I was lucky enough to see her present to the class and I was just beaming with pride!! She did a great job. I was also lucky enough to be asked for help on this project. Olivia came to me often to ask whether or not she was headed in the right direction or to tell me what new tid bit she had discovered about Scotland for her project. It was great to work on it together.

She chose Scotland because of my "Brier" side of the family. Our name was originally McBrayer which is, very Scottish! Our family members have done extensive research and have found out lots of information about our family and how they lived all the way back to the 1600s in Scotland. I am proud of that heritage and was so proud that Olivia wanted to learn more about it.


Anonymous said...

First, the young lady in the picture looks very pretty. Can you tell I am a proud grandfather. The project looks very nice and very neatly organized. I image she did very well and I entend my congratulations to her. Keep up the good work. Grandpa Saint

Anonymous said...

Livi my girl, outstanding job! I enlarged the picture on the blog which made it possible for me to read your story board. I learned a few new facts about Scotland that I did not know before. Clearly you put time and effort into your research...definately A+ work.
With pride and love,