Sunday, November 29, 2009

Fabulous Felt Food!!

So this is what I have been working on lately. Christmas gifts for Aidan and for Abbie. It has been really fun. Take a look!

A pizza making kit for Aidan. He loves pizza and has a wooden pizza making kit at school. I thought it would be fun for him to have his own set - so I made it!

Little green pepper rings, olive slices, pepperoni (with tiny spices on top!), sausage, mushrooms, and tomato slices. The cheese is separate but the sauce is sewn onto the crust. Love it!!

Abbie's food is a set of swiss cake rolls, three carrots, and five chocolate chip cookies. I have pancakes and peanut butter and jelly in the making!

They will both get their food at Christmas. Abbie's food will be from me and Rick, and Aidan's food will be from his Sissy.

I can't wait to see how they like it!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween! (and other October stuff!)

It's Halloween! We just love this time of year. Here in Lexington, the trees are beautiful with color and some are almost bare from falling leaves. I guess the change started about a week ago. I swear it was an overnight event, all of a sudden it was Fall, gorgeous!

We have been gearing up for Halloween for about a week now too. It kinda snuck up on us - seems like everything is doing that lately! I didn't get the kids costumes in order until about Wednesday. I know, terrible mothering right? I tried to make up for it with fabulous costumes though!

Olivia wanted to be the Billie Jean Michael Jackson (more on M.J. to come!), but I couldn't get that together. So, her second choice was to be a Warrior cat. She has been reading this very popular book series about warrior cats, so naturally, that's what she wanted to be. We got a leotard and leggings, I got her some fur and we made fur bracelets and anklets. We added a tail, a nose and some ears and she was looking the part!

Aidan flip flopped all month about what he wanted to be. A dragon, a knight, a spider, Batman - it was hard to keep up! But, finally he made his decision. He wanted to be a WEREWOLF!! Oh no - HOW was I going to make that costume??! Thank god for the internet. I got some great ideas and, voila! He was a werewolf - check it out!
Pretty darn cute, huh?! He got so many compliments when we went trick or treating. And some folks got the whole werewolf show from him. Growling, howling, etc. They loved it and clapped and cheered for him!!

The kids, and us, had a great time. The temp was just chilly enough, the leaves were the perfect color, and while it was UK's Homecoming and their weren't as many kids out, it kinda felt like a Disney movie in our neighborhood.

We topped the night off with Mummy Dogs (hot dogs wrapped in crescent roll dough to look like Mummy's) and homemade pizza. The kids enjoyed helping with that!

Remember how I mentioned that there would be more on Michael Jackson? Well, Livi is obsessed with him. Rick took her to see the "This Is It" movie on Weds and she loved it. So did he, said it was really well done. Hopefully, I can see it too sometime. Then, on Friday night Liv and I went to a Lexington tradition - the Thriller walk!

Every year a dance co in town opens it's doors to anyone who wants to come and learn the thriller dance. Well we couldn't get it together enough to go to the rehearsals, but we did make a date to go watch the actual event.

It was so COOL! When we got downtown, there were so many people, I couldn't believe it. The parking deck that sits on Main Street was full of people looking over the edge on all levels. The streets were packed and, there were zombie bodies laying around the sidewalks and grassy areas!! Spooky!

We found a good spot and soon, it began. Running out of the Kentucky Theatre (old movie theatre on Main) came the Michael of the evening and soon, all those zombie bodies got up and walked into the street. The music started and they were dancin!! It took about 40 minutes for the whole gang of zombies to dance their way past us. It was so fun to see! I saw a lot of my students and Livi had some friends that were in it. It was a cool thing to see together.

Now, what will they want to be next year??