Friday, May 1, 2009

Battle of the Books Y'all!!

"We are the champions, we are the champions, no time for losers, cause we are the champions . . . of the world!!!"

Well, at least - the city!! Olivia and her all girls team (3 girls including Liv) WON the Battle of the Books competition yesterday! It was an amazing accomplishment. I am SO proud of her and her team mates.

It all started way back in September when Olivia decided that she wanted to join the Battle of the Books. The students read 20 books in 8 months. The book list was determined last Spring by the librarians in the County school district.

Once all the books were read, the students took a test on the books content. The top 12 score holders were then subjected to a mock competition contest to see who could buzz in the fastest and who could answer with the most accuracy. Olivia made it to the top 6 and then to the top 3. The top 3 were on the team the remaining 3 were the alternates. It was kinda funny that the top three were all girls and the other three were all boys!! Go girl power!

After a few days worth of practice, the girls had their first competition. They won! It was awesome to see. The girls were so fast on the buzzer and they knew almost every answer. They KILLED!!

Yesterday was the second competition. Based on the county wide competition from the week before, we were down to four teams competing. The event was held at the County Central Office in their fancy auditorium.

It started a bit wonky. Some of the adults that were running the show did not seem too organized, but it got better as the event went on.

Cassidy seemed to be having some trouble at first. They weren't buzzing in fast enough. But, because the other teams were missing some of the questions, the girls were able to catch up and then win the first match. Yay!

So, the two bottom teams were eliminated and it was on to the final match. It was so NERVE-WRACKING!!!! The girls came out of the corner swinging. Buzzing like crazy, answering questions left and right!! The other team was almost as fast. In the end, they had to answer 5 tie breaking questions - and, CASSIDY WON!!!

I was bursting with pride. I can't even describe it. Go Livi!!


Anonymous said...

Cassidy - and OLIVIA ST PETER - rule!!

(Nice picture, too.)


Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo!!!!!!! Go LIVI. We are SO proud of you...

Aunt Kate & Uncle Matt

Anonymous said...

Love the Trophy shot....AWESOME!!!

Aunt Kate

Anonymous said...

I was waiting on needle and pins from the first phone call to the last! Wish I could have been there...I was cheering for your team long distance. Congratulations Cassidy Team!
I am proud of you, my Livi girl!

Go Reader,
Love, Grandy

Anonymous said...

WOW what an accomplishment. Nice shirts, great trophy, great team and above all else, great grand daughter. Congrats from Grandpa Saint and Mimi.