Friday, December 12, 2008

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer!

Last night, both the kids had their choral programs. Yes, I said BOTH. What a disaster! Rick and I had to make a choice, who will see which program? Livi decided that Daddy should come to her show and Mommy would go to Aidan's. Okay, seemed like a plan.

Aidan was so excited to go sing at the church! He was smiling his big smile and even giggling a bit. I thought it was going to go off without a hitch. Boy was I wrong!

We got there and Aidan went into overdrive. He was a wild man. Running around, roaring - I left him in the good hands of his teachers and hoped he would straighten out!

Finally, he and his classmates began to come up on to the stage. They looked adorable! White over sized sweat shirts with reindeer painted on the front, antlers and red noses - who could resist these little preschool reindeer?!

The music began and Aidan began to sing with his class. He made it through one song, before he spotted me. Once he saw me, he stopped singing and tried to yell stuff to me! Stuff about the boy standing next to him, the tail on his shirt, the string that had come loose on his shirt - why couldn't he just sing the songs!?!

Eventually, after kinda singing some of the songs, he went AWOL and left the stage to look for me! What a mama's boy.

His teacher brought him to me after his group finished. He was so happy to see me and didn't seem bothered at all that he really didn't participate. He just wanted to go home and hang out with me!

I love that kid.


Anonymous said...

Well, he looks down right adorable, whether he fully participated or not!!

Aunt Kate

SweetBrier Scraps said...

I know, right?! I didn't even care that he didn't co-operate!

Anonymous said...

Did you ever see a cuter red nose??

How fun! These are the moments that make life so sweet. This will live forever in your mind and heart. Enjoy him while you can, he will be grown and out the door before you know it.

Mom / Grandy