Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!! (Er, um - this is being posted a little late!!)

It's here and it's been fun so far! We have gone to church, fed the reindeer, skyped with family, opened some presents, seen what Santa brought, and have begun to test out all the new goodies. And, it's not over yet!! We still haven't gone to Grandpa Saint's and Mimi's yet!!

Some highlights of the Christmas fun so far:

1. Seeing Olivia as Mary in the children's church service.
2. Watching the joy on Aidan's face when he opened his Thomas Action Canyon.
3. Having Rick home, even if for only a few days.
4. Skyping with my sister and her family.
5. Being home for Christmas and spending time with my mom.
6. Phone calls with Santa and Dad.
7. Spending time with Grandpa Saint and Mimi.

I am sure I will be able to add to the list this evening!

Enjoy the photos, oh - and the video of Aidan!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Oh Yeah, She Rocks!

Olivia wrote this song. The music and the lyrics. She amazes me!

(By the way, if you go to the bottom of the page and turn off the playlist, you should be able to hear Livi just fine!)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer!

Last night, both the kids had their choral programs. Yes, I said BOTH. What a disaster! Rick and I had to make a choice, who will see which program? Livi decided that Daddy should come to her show and Mommy would go to Aidan's. Okay, seemed like a plan.

Aidan was so excited to go sing at the church! He was smiling his big smile and even giggling a bit. I thought it was going to go off without a hitch. Boy was I wrong!

We got there and Aidan went into overdrive. He was a wild man. Running around, roaring - I left him in the good hands of his teachers and hoped he would straighten out!

Finally, he and his classmates began to come up on to the stage. They looked adorable! White over sized sweat shirts with reindeer painted on the front, antlers and red noses - who could resist these little preschool reindeer?!

The music began and Aidan began to sing with his class. He made it through one song, before he spotted me. Once he saw me, he stopped singing and tried to yell stuff to me! Stuff about the boy standing next to him, the tail on his shirt, the string that had come loose on his shirt - why couldn't he just sing the songs!?!

Eventually, after kinda singing some of the songs, he went AWOL and left the stage to look for me! What a mama's boy.

His teacher brought him to me after his group finished. He was so happy to see me and didn't seem bothered at all that he really didn't participate. He just wanted to go home and hang out with me!

I love that kid.