Monday, November 3, 2008


We have been looking forward to Halloween for about a month now. Olivia has flip flopped on what costume she wants to wear about ten times and Aidan has asked "Is it Halloween?"every morning. He has been funny about what he wants to be. When I brought home a dragon costume, he was so happy. Then, he changed his mind and wanted to be his cousin Abbie May! THEN, he changed his mind again and wanted to be a ghost. Finally, we talked him back into being a dragon.

Trick or treating started out a little rough. Aidan was really crabby - horrible mood! He was whiny, and restless, and even went out and laid on the porch. He almost didn't go. But, thankfully the Davis' showed up and off we went! Olivia, of course, was stoked for getting as much candy as possible. After a few houses, Aidan shook off his funk and was having fun.

It was fun to have the Davis' with us. Their little boy, Logan, was a cowboy - horse and all. Our new neighborhood was very busy, plenty of houses to go to and lots of other costumes to admire and judge. I also saw a bunch of people that I knew from school. Students, parents, other teachers - even my headmaster!

The evening ended with a sleepy dragon asking to go home. So, off we went into the night with our candy and tired feet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lara and all, thanks for sharing the Halloween photos. Looks like all 3 had a great time dressing up. Hope you are now feeling better. Looking forward to seeing all at Thanksgiving. I have much to be thankful for. Will see you all soon. Love to all. Saint and Mimi